Search Results
KahnFest 20150130 Steve Kahn
KahnFest 20150130 Frontiers in the laboratory
KahnFest 20150130 LSST
KahnFest 20150130 Dark Matter and CMB
"How I Got Into LSST": Steve Kahn, Director, LSST
KahnFest 20150129 The Transient Sky
KahnFest 20150129 Going (back) to California
KahnFest 20150129 Optics: optical and X-ray
Quantum gases and superfluidity, lecture 3
High Energy Physics on Blue Waters -- Steven Gottlieb
Surjeet Rajendran & David Kaplan - Black hole firewalls
Gabriele Veneziano - Can string cosmology face the challenge of CMB anisotropies?